Estoy perdiendo peso sin querer. ¿Porqué puede ser?// I'm losing weight without wanting to. Why can it be?
Pocas cosas son más alarmantes para el paciente o para su grupo familiar como la pérdida de peso no voluntaria.
Si es de forma rápida, aun peor. Todos conocemos casos de personas que perdieron peso de forma abrupta, y posteriormente fueron diagnosticados con alguna enfermedad grave, frecuentemente neoplásica.
Primero, hay que cuantificar bien. 1 de cada 2 pacientes que dicen “estar perdiendo peso” no tienen ningún cambio real del peso que pueda medirse.
Toda pérdida de peso de 5% o más en menos de 1 año, debe ser investigada. Porque, innegablemente puede ser un síntoma significativo. La mortalidad puede aumentar 25% en los siguientes 18 meses. La respuesta inmunológica es menos eficaz, los pacientes son más susceptibles a infecciones.
Además, se deteriora su autoimagen, disminuye su capacidad funcional (más frecuencia de caídas y fracturas), disminuye su calidad de vida.
Esto lo predispone a depresión, y menor consumo de alimento. Es un círculo vicioso.
La regulación del peso es un sistema complejo, donde en general, este se mantiene estable ante variaciones de la ingesta y la actividad física. El cuerpo trata de conservar su peso (todos sabemos lo difícil que puede resultar perder unos kilos de forma voluntaria).
Intervienen distintos sistemas y sustancias como por ejemplo:
- Centro hipotalámico del hambre y la saciedad
- Hormona liberadora de corticotropina
- Hormona estimulante de los melanocitos
- Transcripto relacionado con la cocaína y las anfetaminas (inducen saciedad)
- Péptidos gastrointestinales ghrelina, glucagón, somatostatina y colecistoquinina que se liberan al comer y originan saciedad.
- Insulina se libera al comer y origina saciedad.
- Leptina liberada por el tejido adiposo que induce saciedad.
- Citocinas inflamatorias (FNTa, IL6, IL1, IFNg) generadas ante la infección o ante tumores, inducen saciedad.
Solo para mantener las funciones vitales, un individuo requiere aprox 25 kilocalorías por cada kilo de peso. Esto se llama metabolismo basal.
Mecanismos de Disminución de peso
- Menor ingesta de alimento
- Menor absorción de nutrientes
- Mayor consumo de energía
Otra clasificación de las causas de pérdida de peso:
- Causas orgánicas: (infecciones, tumores, enfermedad endocrina o digestiva, etc.)
- Causas psiquiátricas (depresión, demencia, ansiedad)
- No médicas (bajo nivel socioeconómico)
Por lo tanto, nos esforzaremos en colocar causas en uno o más de esos grupos.
En medicina, una de las forma de orientar síndromes con múltiples causas es hacerlo por grupo de edad.
En los ancianos, la pérdida de peso no voluntaria es un motivo frecuente de consulta (15%). Las causas más frecuentes son:
- Depresión. Hasta 42% de los pacientes. Muchas veces la persona no “luce deprimida” para sus familiares, sin embargo su ingesta de alimentos no es adecuada.
- Cáncer hasta 36% de los casos (ojo sistema respiratorio y digestivo).
- Enfermedades gastrointestinales benignas hasta 20%, como la enfermedad diverticular, que pueden producir menos absorción de nutrientes.
- Discapacidad
- Enfermedad médica concomitante
- Hospitalización reciente
- Bajo nivel educativo
- Deterioro cognitivo (demencia)
- Fumadores
- Viudos
- Pacientes con bajo peso de base
Se altera el eje del apetito y la saciedad, y la persona pierde el aspecto placentero de comer, ocurriendo lo que se conocía como anorexia del anciano.
Nemotecnia MEALS ON WHEELS para causas más frecuentes de pérdida de peso en el anciano
Medication. Efectos de los medicamentos
problems. Problemas emocionales,
tardive (nervosa), alcoholismo
Late life paranoia (paranoia
de inicio tardío)
disorders (alteraciones al tragar)
Oral factors
(alteraciones en la boca)
money (sin dinero)
and other dementia behaviors. Comportamientos asociados a demencia
o hyper. Alteraciones endocrinas
Enteric problems.
Problemas digestivos
problems. Dificultad para comer
Low salt, low colesterol.
Baja sal y colesterol
problems (problemas sociales,
medicamentos que pueden conllevar a pérdida
de peso
anticonvulsivantes, benzodiacepinas, digoxina, antidepresivos (IRRS),
del apetito
clonidina, antialérgicos
alopurinol, IECAS, bloqueantes de calcio, tiazidas, metformina, nitratos,
fenitoína, estatinas, espironolactona
del olfato o el gusto
Hierro, bifosfonatos
para tragar
digoxina, hierro, metformina, metronidazol, nitratos, estatinas,
antidepresivos (tricíclicos e IRRS)
y/o vómitos
En los más jóvenes las causas más frecuentes son:
- Diabetes mellitus. (Aquí hay que estar atento a los antecedentes familiares, síntomas como orinar mucho, sed, apetito aumentado, infecciones frecuentes como la candidiasis vaginal)
- Hipertiroidismo (examinar el cuello para detectar bocio (glándula tiroides aumentada) otros síntomas como diarrea, insomnio, intolerancia al calor, trastornos menstruales, palpitaciones).
- Enfermedad psiquiátrica- (descartar anorexia y bulimia).
- Infecciones (como la tuberculosis, endocarditis, SIDA, infecciones por parásitos u hongos).
Otras causas menos frecuentes:
- Insuficiencia suprarrenal (hiperpigmentación de la piel y alteraciones de los electrolitos en sangre)
- Feocromocitoma (episodios de hipertensión arterial, palpitaciones, enrojecimiento de la piel, dolor torácico)
- Hipertiroidismo apático en el anciano.
En 1 de cada 4 pacientes, no se encuentra la causa después de realizarles un plan diagnóstico básico. ESTE GRUPO ES DE BUEN PRONÓSTICO. La actitud correcta con ellos es continuar en control por consulta.
Un dato a veces difícil de precisar es el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, ocultado en ocasiones por el mismo paciente o su familia por vergüenza y que se relaciona frecuentemente a malnutrición. Puede causar hasta el 8% de los casos de pérdida de peso.
Además predispone a enfermedades hepáticas y neurológicas que también pueden conducir a pérdida de peso.
Otro factor importante a tener en cuenta (sobre todo en el anciano) es la salud oral. El estado de los dientes, la presencia de prótesis dentales y su condición, si existe inflamación, infección o sangrado en la boca. Esto puede llevar al paciente a decir “no quiero comer” o a comer muy pocas cantidades.
Es muy importante en el interrogatorio precisar la condición social y económica del paciente, que pudiera estar afectando la adquisición o la ingesta de alimento.
Va a ser la historia médica y el examen físico detallado los que orientaran al médico para decidir que exámenes de laboratorio o imágenes están más indicados.
El tratamiento de la pérdida de peso es el tratamiento de su causa.
Muchas veces es necesario conformar un equipo: paciente + médico + familia + nutricionista + odontólogo + psicólogo + fisioterapeuta. El nutricionista juega un papel muy importante. Dentro de sus estrategias están:
- Comidas pequeñas con más frecuencia
- Comidas fáciles de comer (fingerfoods)
- Comer acompañado o con ayuda
- Aumentar el contenido de calorías de cada comida
- Utilización de suplementos
- Minimizar las restricciones, comidas atractivas, favoritas, evite aquellas que puedan producir gases o acidez.
El antidepresivo mirtazapina ha ganado interés porque se demostró que 12% de los pacientes que la toman ganan peso.
EL MENSAJE MÁS IMPORTANTE A EXTRAER ES: no debemos detenermos en la preocupación, sino continuar trabajando en equipo hasta lograr, encontrar la causa del problema y establecer el tratamiento.
Si te ha gustado o conoces a alguien a quien podría servirle la información, no dejes de compartir
Few things are more alarming to the patient or to their family group such as non-voluntary weight loss.
If it is quickly, even worse. We all know cases of people who lost weight abruptly, and later were diagnosed with a serious disease, often neoplastic.
This only serves to scare us, because: Not all weight loss is cancer
First, you have to quantify well. 1 in 2 patients who say "losing weight" have no real change in weight that can be measured.
Any weight loss of 5% or more in less than 1 year, should be investigated. Because, undeniably, it can be a significant symptom. Mortality can increase 25% in the following 18 months. The immune response is less effective, and patients are more susceptible to infections.
In addition, their self-image deteriorates, their functional capacity decreases (more frequent falls and fractures), and their quality of life decreases.
This predisposes them to depression, and lower consumption of food. It is a vicious circle.
The regulation of weight is a complex system, where in general, it remains stable in the presence of variations in intake and physical activity. The body tries to conserve its weight (we all know how difficult it can be to lose a few pounds voluntarily).
Different systems and substances intervene, such as:
Si te ha gustado o conoces a alguien a quien podría servirle la información, no dejes de compartir
- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Pérdida de peso.
- Alibhai S, Greenwood C, Payette H. An approach to the management of unintentional weight loss in elderly people. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2005; 172 (6). 773-780.
- Gaddey H, Holder K. Unintentional Weight Loss in Older Adults. American Family Physicians. 2014 May 1;89(9):718-722.
I'm losing weight without wanting to. Why can it be?
If it is quickly, even worse. We all know cases of people who lost weight abruptly, and later were diagnosed with a serious disease, often neoplastic.
This only serves to scare us, because: Not all weight loss is cancer
First, you have to quantify well. 1 in 2 patients who say "losing weight" have no real change in weight that can be measured.
Any weight loss of 5% or more in less than 1 year, should be investigated. Because, undeniably, it can be a significant symptom. Mortality can increase 25% in the following 18 months. The immune response is less effective, and patients are more susceptible to infections.
In addition, their self-image deteriorates, their functional capacity decreases (more frequent falls and fractures), and their quality of life decreases.
This predisposes them to depression, and lower consumption of food. It is a vicious circle.
The regulation of weight is a complex system, where in general, it remains stable in the presence of variations in intake and physical activity. The body tries to conserve its weight (we all know how difficult it can be to lose a few pounds voluntarily).
Different systems and substances intervene, such as:
- Hypothalamic center of hunger and satiety
- Melanocyte stimulating hormone
- Transcript related to cocaine and amphetamines (induce satiety)
- Gastrointestinal peptides ghrelin, glucagon, somatostatin and cholecystokinin are released when eating and cause satiety.
- Insulin is released when you eat and causes satiety.
- Leptin released by adipose tissue inducing satiety.
- Inflammatory cytokines (TNFa, IL6, IL1, IFNg) generated to infection or tumors to induce satiety.
Mechanisms of Weight Reduction
Another classification of causes of weight loss:
In the elderly, non-voluntary weight loss is a frequent reason for consultation (15%). The most frequent causes are:
We have high-risk elderly people who present significant weight loss in 27% of cases, and more complications. Be attentive to these groups:
The appetite axis and satiety are altered, and the person loses the pleasant aspect of eating, occurring what is known as anorexia of the elderly.
In addition, in them, diseases such as COPD (6% of cases of weight loss) and heart failure (9%), present an increase in metabolic rate (greater consumption of nutrients) and an inflammatory state that leads to lower appetite and weight loss.
MEALS ON WHEELS pneumonia for more frequent causes of weight loss in the elderly (Medication, Emotional problems, Anorexia, Late life paranoia, Swalloging problems, Oral factors, No money, Wondering, Hypo or Hyper, Enteric problems, Eating problems, Low salt or cholesterol, Social problems).
In the youngest the most frequent causes are:
- Lower food intake
- Less absorption of nutrients
- Higher energy consumption
Another classification of causes of weight loss:
- Organic causes: (infections, tumors, endocrine or digestive disease, etc.)
- Psychiatric causes (depression, dementia, anxiety)
- Non-medical (low socioeconomic level)
In the elderly, non-voluntary weight loss is a frequent reason for consultation (15%). The most frequent causes are:
- Depression. Up to 42% of patients. Many times the person does not "look depressed" for their relatives, however their food intake is not adequate.
- Cancer up to 36% of cases (frequently respiratory and digestive system).
- Benign gastrointestinal diseases to 20%, as diverticular disease, that can cause less absorption of nutrients.
We have high-risk elderly people who present significant weight loss in 27% of cases, and more complications. Be attentive to these groups:
- Disability
- Concomitant medical disease
- Recent hospitalization
- Low educational level
- Cognitive impairment (dementia)
- Smokers
- Widows
- Patients with low basic weight
The appetite axis and satiety are altered, and the person loses the pleasant aspect of eating, occurring what is known as anorexia of the elderly.
In addition, in them, diseases such as COPD (6% of cases of weight loss) and heart failure (9%), present an increase in metabolic rate (greater consumption of nutrients) and an inflammatory state that leads to lower appetite and weight loss.
MEALS ON WHEELS pneumonia for more frequent causes of weight loss in the elderly (Medication, Emotional problems, Anorexia, Late life paranoia, Swalloging problems, Oral factors, No money, Wondering, Hypo or Hyper, Enteric problems, Eating problems, Low salt or cholesterol, Social problems).
In the youngest the most frequent causes are:
- Diabetes mellitus. (Here we must pay attention to family history, symptoms such as urinating a lot, thirst, increased appetite, frequent infections such as vaginal candidiasis)
- Hyperthyroidism (Examine the neck to detect goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) other symptoms such as diarrhea, insomnia, heat intolerance, menstrual disorders, palpitations).
- Psychiatric illness - (rule anorexia and bulimia).
- Infections (such as tuberculosis, endocarditis, AIDS, infections by parasites or fungi).
- Suprarrenal insufficiency (Skin hyperpigmentation and electrolyte disturbances in blood)
- Pheochromocytoma (episodes of high blood pressure, palpitations, reddening of the skin, chest pain)
- Apathetic hyperthyroidism in the old man
A sometimes difficult to pinpoint data is alcohol consume, sometimes hidden by the patient or his family and is often related to malnutrition. It can cause up to 8% of cases of weight loss. It also predisposes to liver and neurological diseases that can also lead to weight loss.
Another important factor to take into account (especially in the elderly) is oral health. The state of the teeth, the presence of dental prostheses and their condition, if there is inflammation, infection or bleeding in the mouth. This can lead the patient to say "I do not want to eat" or eat very little.
It is very important in the interrogation to specify the social and economic condition of the patient, which could be affecting the acquisition or intake of food.
t will be the medical history and the detailed physical examination that will guide the doctor to decide which laboratory tests or images are more indicated.
The treatment of weight loss is the treatment of its cause.
Many times it is necessary to form a team: patient + doctor + family + nutritionist + dentist + psychologist + physiotherapist. The nutritionist plays a very important role. Among its strategies are:
The antidepressant mirtazapine has gained interest because it showed that 12% of patients taking it gain weight.
THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO DRAW IS: dont settle for worrying, continue to work together to find the cause of the problem and give the right treatment.
Another important factor to take into account (especially in the elderly) is oral health. The state of the teeth, the presence of dental prostheses and their condition, if there is inflammation, infection or bleeding in the mouth. This can lead the patient to say "I do not want to eat" or eat very little.
It is very important in the interrogation to specify the social and economic condition of the patient, which could be affecting the acquisition or intake of food.
t will be the medical history and the detailed physical examination that will guide the doctor to decide which laboratory tests or images are more indicated.
The treatment of weight loss is the treatment of its cause.
Many times it is necessary to form a team: patient + doctor + family + nutritionist + dentist + psychologist + physiotherapist. The nutritionist plays a very important role. Among its strategies are:
- Small meals more often
- Easy meals to eat (fingerfoods)
- Eat with help
- Increase the calorie content of each meal
- Use of supplements
- Minimize restrictions, attractive, favorite foods, avoid those that can produce gas or acidity.
The antidepressant mirtazapine has gained interest because it showed that 12% of patients taking it gain weight.
THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO DRAW IS: dont settle for worrying, continue to work together to find the cause of the problem and give the right treatment.
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